Personal Journey


In this journey I will be your companion to discover your roots and to look at your story from different perspectives.


I will support you in drawing your own genogram and connecting through your heart with your family members and ancestors.


You will learn about possible exclusions, entanglements and hidden loyalties and get in touch with a deeper layer of your origins.


We will go on a journey through your mother side and another journey through your father side and you will meet in meditations some of the family members that are important for you in this moment in time.


In the course of this journey, many blockages will be already lifted, and you will have a clear picture of the next steps you want to take and of the intention for your final constellation.


The journey ends with a constellation which you can choose to be online (1to1 or group) or on site, if you happen to live where I offer physical workshops.

Structure (2h sessions):
Session 1 – The genogram
Session 2 – Mother line
Session 3 – Father line
Session 4 – Constellation
My advice is to take time for each step to settle and go with one session each month.
This ensures the continuity and yet gives you enough time to process and integrate your experiences.
The fee for the whole journey is EUR 540 (which can be paid in up to 3 installments).
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